VSEnergy Company Overview

VSEnergy provides consulting, training, and technical assistance to plant engineering, maintenance, and operations personnel, on a national basis to effect energy conservation measures, and reduce operating costs. Incorporated in 2003, we have provided technical assistance and engineering to numerous Fortune 50 companies to assist in the reduction of energy costs, and control system costs. In this age of dramatically increasing and volatile energy costs, and well as constrained manpower and financial resources, developing a comprehensive in house energy conservation program with a strong in house team becomes the best alternative.

VSEnergy is NOT – a performance contractor, a financier, a mechanical contractor, or a maintenance contractor. We have no vested interest in selling or recommending products. We will offer unbiased, fact based recommendations if requested. We will not accept contracts based on a percentage of construction costs, thereby eliminating the incentive to drive costs up. We have no in house maintenance personnel to perform maintenance.

VSEnergy IS – an engineering and training resource focused on helping plant engineering and maintenance personnel develop in house energy conservation programs, by providing training, technical assistance, and project development and oversight services. Our objective is aligned with yours. Reduce energy costs, cost effectively, by increasing awareness, ability, and focus of in house personnel.

Why do we not provide turnkey projects? The best and most successful energy conservation programs are the projects that are developed in house, by the team that has an intimate working knowledge of plant operations, and long term facilities plan.

VSEnergy provides plant personnel with specific training in the identification of energy conservation opportunities, energy auditing and accounting methods, and appropriate measurement methods for long term evaluation of the projects. By training plant personnel in the effective implementation maintenance and monitoring of energy conservation projects, plant managers obtain immediate energy cost reduction results, reduced maintenance costs, and have an in house team of energy cost reduction specialists to identify and implement projects in the future.

Training Programs are tailored to individual plants, and are structured as modular seminars, to allow plant teams to choose the sessions most relevant to specific facility operations. The training includes instruction based on real life criteria, problem sets, and workbooks, with the opportunity for extensive interaction with the instructors. Where applicable, actual plant data and situations can be used to implement and at the same time provide training for energy conservation programs. Each attendee should expect to come away with a working knowledge of the subject matter, and the ability to use the knowledge in actual workplace settings. Training for financial entities within the plant regarding the cash flow evaluation of energy conservation programs may be included as a component of the program.

Follow up, including consultation to initiate, review, and refine energy conservation programs as they are developed and implemented is available on a contract or hourly basis. With the mutual objective of reduced facility energy costs, projects can be defined, budgeted, and managed in house, with technical assistance as required by VSEnergy.

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